The two vlogs featured below I think give a good idea of what my events life looks like. In these two vlogs I talk about the largest event my department at work has ever been a part of and how it felt for me.
It's been a long year and a half for events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various strategies have been employed to keep these entertaining and social experiences in people's lives but for me as an event technician, perhaps none compare to this recent musical performance we executed.
When I say it's been a long time coming, that is no understatement. The event you see here is the product of hundreds of hours of research and development and uses technology that is at the absolute cutting edge of what is possible in online events right now. All 7 musicians are 100% live and synchronous with each other and they are playing their instruments in time which is no small feat of it's own when broadcast over the internet, but there's more...

Thanks to the folks at Syncspace here in Ottawa, we at Carleton University Event Support were able to bring all of these musicians into our production software live and work with them to provide an entirely seamless and clean live streamed experience. Our audio operator was taking a clean, high bitrate feed of each musician's instrument and then mixing them all together and streaming all of the audio over the internet to me, the video technician. I then took all of the videos from each of the performers, lined them up with the audio and switched all of the scenes, playbacks and graphics you see on screen throughout the performance in real time to create this final product.
This was a team effort of course. It couldn't have been done alone. However, I am still proud of the skills I have developed and the work I put in to make this event happen and I'm looking forward to many more just like this and different and unique experiences as well.
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